Artist Information

If you are currently seeking to work with Jazzata on a gig, please check-out the archive of past artists and consider if you are in the same bracket of the musicians on that list. Also, please read the information below before contacting me by email. Please include some background information on all members of the group with links to access music clips and/or video and website links.

Currently Jazzata is not in a position to guarantee fees, however I am in the process of re-organising into a non-profit-making organisation to apply for Arts Funding starting in April 2018.

Several years ago I worked out a way that can work mutually beneficially, if we achieve an average attendance. I currently promote in a co-operative way with the band taking 80% of net door after expenses of room hire and piano tuning. The main venue is the Hen and Chicken in Bristol. The room is pretty good and atmospheric, holds 150 cabaret style or 200 theatre style. It has its own staging, PA and Lighting.

The audience numbers have been growing steadily since I started using this venue and the mailing list is now nearly 1,000 (though this doesn't guarantee audience numbers). Last year (2016) audiences were up 8% on average.

For my part, I obviously promote it vigorously; via my website, Facebook, Twitter, online web listings, monthly newsletter to mailing list + last minute bulletins. I also have to set the room out for each gig on the day (normally from 4pm onwards), stage, lighting PA, seating etc. Plus I advertise and market all the gigs, sell all tickets via website or as reservations, MC and breakdown the gig after the event.

We now have a baby grand piano on site permanently, not new but plays nicely (Chappell 1938). I have it tuned before every gig at 5pm, so access for band/s is usually from 5.30/6pm.

Tickets are priced at £12/£10 (standard/concessions) and above, normally £14/£12 for anything over a trio (£15/£13 tops so far). This pricing structure seems acceptable to most folks and this is why it is working on 85% of gigs. The artists that have a track record obviously have an advantage. I can’t offer hotels or travel, but we could put up at our house if needed. The food at the pub is good and band gets 10% off food bill, from them.

All the guys to have played so far have come on this arrangement, if you have some tour funding that obviously helps. Take a look at the website to see who has played. My past history is also available.

If it’s a low turn-out, I compromise my 20% as best I can ie just take the expenses. If required I can send further information on expenses and payments to date.

Jazzata is a current member of the Jazz Promotion Network.

Many thanks for your interest.

Cheers, Ian